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2012 HRCI Certification Scholarship

    HRCI Certification Scholarship Program


    Thank you for your interest in the 2012 HRASM Certification Scholarship Program. Please read this application carefully and follow all instructions. Applications must be postmarked by November 30, 2011 to be considered for an award.

    Eligibility: One scholarship ($1,000 maximum value) will be awarded to a current member of HRASM. The individual must be working in the human resources field. Individuals applying for this award must be working towards certification as a Professional in Human Resources (PHR), a Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) or a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).


    The scholarship will be used to purchase test preparation materials orattend a certification preparation seminar or course, and pay the exam fee, up to the maximum award of $1000. This scholarship is a one­time award. Previous applicants and past scholarship recipients are eligible to re­apply if they are pursuing additional certification.

    Selection: The individual recipient will be selected on the basis of work experience, commitment to a career in human resources and volunteering history/future with HRASM and/or other professional organizations. Award recipient must commence their certification preparation following notification of the award and must test during the 2012 testing windows. Testing for certification must take place within 12 months from the award date. Payment will be made to the requesting vendor, not the HRASM member. Selection will be made by the selection committee of the HRASM board members; in the event that a HRASM Board Member applies for this scholarship, that applicant will be removed from the selection committee.

    Individual applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

    • Work experience/progression (HR involvement & future career plans)
    • Volunteer activity (past, present and future)

    Applications will not be returned and all decisions are final.

    Timeline: Applications must have a postmark date of no later than November 30. All applicants will be notified of their standing by phone or in writing no later than December 15 and scholarship funds will be available starting January 1.

    How to Apply: Return this signed application to HRASM with all supporting documentation by November 30. Completed applications should be mailed to:

    HRASM Certification Scholarship Program PO Box 102 Adrian, MI 49221 ­or­ e-mail to Deb Elliott,


    Note: applications must include all required documentation or applicants will not be considered for an award.


                                                  HRCI Certification Scholarship Application


    Applicant Name: _______________________________________________

    Current Certification(s): PHR ___ SPHR ___ GPHR ___ 

    Chapter #: 601          SHRM Member # _________

    Home Telephone: __________Business Phone: ___________E­mail: ______________ Company: ____________________________ Title: ____________________________                                                                                                                                                     Home/Business Address: _________________________________________________

    I am working towards: ___ PHR ___ SPHR ___GPHR certification.

    I plan to take the exam on (date) __________________________________

    My organization will pay for ____ all ____ part ____ none of my certification expenses.

    If all or part, please indicate amount $ _______________________________________.


    Required Documentation:

    • Current copy of your resume.
    • List of past and present volunteer leadership roles should be attached or included in


    • Brief essay discussing in your own words why you are seeking PHR/SPHR/GPHR

                certification and how it will enhance your HR career, as well as how you will you use this

                certification to benefit HRASM. Maximum two typed pages, double-spaced.


    Application checklist: This application becomes complete and valid only when you have returned all of the following materials to HRASM by the postmark deadline:

    • Signed application
    • Required documentation



    Signature: In submitting this application, I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to provide proof of information provided with this application, if requested. Falsification of information may result in termination of any scholarship awarded including an obligation to repay all funds disbursed. This application becomes the property of HRASM.

    Applicant’s signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

    Please note that applying for the exam is done through HRCI via