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Event Details

    What Great Teams Do Great

    Date: August 17, 2016, 8:00am
    Lenawee ISD - Wm J Ross Education Service Center, 4707 N. Adrian Hwy, Adrian, MI
    HRASM Members: Free, Non Members: $30
    Event Type:
    HRASM Chapter Meeting
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    What are the secret ingredients to having great teamwork and effective collaboration? During this session we will:

    • Understand how teams – great and notsogreat form
    • Learn to identify the ‘sweetspot’ of collaboration
    • Recognize the impact of different ways teams handle issues
    • Provide a list of valuable resources to support great teamwork within your organization

    The Human Resource Association of Southeast Michigan is pleased to introduce Lance Satterthwaite. Lance has

    been involved in providing personal growth and group development experiences for 25 years. Lance’s work in both

    business settings as well as a former social worker has centered on effective leadership and teamwork principles

    that are highly applicable to both business and personal life scenarios. Lance is employed as an associate of

    Humanergy, Inc, a leadership and team development organization, based out of Marshall, MI,

    To download the invitation for this event, click here