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    Talent Pipeline in Lenawee County/Rescheduled 2015 Holiday Social

    Date: February 10, 2016, 3:30pm – 6:30pm
    Lenawee Country Club
    HRASM Members: Free, Non Members: $30
    Event Type:
    HRASM Chapter Meeting
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    A change in labor market fundamentals has greatly impacted how businesses must recruit, develop and retain talent. “Scarcity is the new normal’ should now be the mantra for those responsible for ensuring their organizations have the talent need to succeed. With baby boomers retiring at unprecedented rates, and jobs, even entry level jobs, requiring greater technical skills than ever before, businesses must realize that there will be fierce competition for each and every new hire. In this workshop you will be challenged to rethink your strategy for recruiting, developing and retaining your workforce.

    The Human Resource Association of Southeast Michigan is pleased to have one of our own board members, Jack Townsley to present at this meeting. Jack holds a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Michigan, as well as a B.S. in Biology and teaching certificate from Eastern Michigan University. He began his professional career as a school teacher and from there transitioned into the HR field working for Avis Enterprises. In early 2000 he moved into Workforce Development for South Central Michigan Works! where he helped employers in Jackson, Lenawee, and Hillsdale Counties, recruit, hire and train their workforce. As a Business Solutions Manager, Jack gained experience working with many different industry sectors helping match available talent with industry needs. He has also beeninvolved in pioneering efforts to bring Education, Economic Development and Workforce Development together to create a collaborative approach for retooling a workforce to meet employer demands. Jack joined the Lenawee Intermediate School District in 2014 and is currently the Supervisor of Placement and Adult Learning Services, where he oversees Work Based Learning activities and Placement Services for TECH Center students, along with managing the Adult Learning program for the school district.

    For full event details, click here