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Event Details

    Workforce Planning - Jim Van Doren & Tim Robinson

    Date: February 11, 2015, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Stubnitz Environmental Education Center
    3241 N. Adrian Hwy
    Adrian, MI 49221
    Members: FREE, Non-Members: $30
    Event Type:
    HRASM Chapter Meeting
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    The Human Resource Association of Southeast Michigan (HRASM) invites you to join us for a discussion with Tim Robinson and Jim Van Doren, from Lenawee Now, concerning workforce planning. Mr. Van Doren, Executive Director and Tim Robinson, Director of Operations, will provide an overview of Economic Development in Lenawee and the Greater Ann Arbor Region. Emphasis will be on state & local programs to assist with talent recruitment and training; and how these programs can help an HR professional add even greater value to the company’s bottom line.

    To view the event invitation, click here.